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What in the world is .NET?

Welcome to the world of .NET! Before diving into all the wonderful things that can be done with .NET, let's take a moment to get a high level understanding of what exactly it is.

In the words of Microsoft, ".NET is a free, cross-platform, open source developer platform for building many different types of applications" [1].

The .NET platform gives developers the power to create software solutions for web, desktop, mobile, and IoT. This can be done through the utilization of different .NET implementations such as .NET Core, .NET Framework, and Xamarin. Microsoft has defined each of these implementations as follows:

.NET Core: "NET Core is an open-source general-purpose development platform maintained by Microsoft and the .NET community on GitHub. It's cross-platform, supporting Windows, macOS and Linux, and can be used in device, cloud, and IoT applications" [2].

.NET Framework: "The .NET Framework is a development platform for building apps for web, Windows, Windows Phone, Windows Server, and Microsoft Azure." [3].

Xamarin: "Xamarin is a set of tools and libraries for building cross-platform mobile apps on the .NET platform. Build native apps for iOS, Android, Windows, and macOS on a shared .NET codebase." [4].

Each of these .NET implementations are tied together with .NET Standard. The .NET Standard is defined as "a formal specification of .NET APIs that are intended to be available on all .NET implementations" [5]. It is the foundation of all .NET implementations. .NET Standard allows developers to build and use libraries that are diverse and work across all .NET implementations. 

Here is a picture to help visualize all of this:

The beauty of developing with the .NET platform is the ability to write code in one language that can be packaged into libraries for use across all platforms.

For more information about the .NET platform architecture, check out this article by Microsoft:
NET architectural components

[1] "What is .NET?", Microsoft [Online] Available:
[2] R. Lander, et al. ".NET Core Guide" Microsoft, [Online] Available: 
[3] R. Petrusha, et al. ".NET Framework Guide" Microsoft, [Online] Available:
[4] ".NET Mobile App Development" Microsoft, [Online] Available:
[5] P. Carter, et al. "The .NET Guide" Microsoft, [Online] Available:
